Thursday, April 24, 2008


Made a new header by futzing about with this pic, which I turned into a b/w one.

Thoughts? Yay! Nay!! OMG hell no!!!


elf said...

I love the photo, so that would be a Yay. LOL

I've already decided I'm going to take the next class in this course. It doesn't start till January so I'll have plenty of time to save. I will learn how to process color photos to make them black and white and we'll get to play in the raw mode.

idreamedmusic said...

Aww, thank you!

And yay for taking the next class. That sounds wonderful! I love b/w photography. You'll have to teach me.

elf said...

Absolutely! I'm really excited about the whole idea.

I'm hoping to have a full version of photoshop by then, maybe my rebate check, it would use it all but, so worth it.